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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Journals for 9/9/13-9/13/13

Relevant Writing

9/9 - New holiday
9/10 - Wild and precious life
9/11 - How did 9/11 impact your life as you grew up?
9/12 - Relationship change press release
9/13 - Revision of last week's journal.

Academy English

9/9 - 5 Amazing (fake) reviews
9/10 - Truth stranger than fiction
9/11 - What freedoms are okay to sacrifice for security?
9/12 - "This is the way society functions.  Aren't you a part of society?"
9/13 - Revision of last week's journal.

Life Skills

9/9 - Faith in humanity
9/10 - Why don't birds fly away?
9/11 - How much power should the government have to prosecute a war on terror?
9/12 - "It's not a mask.  It's my face."
9/13 - Revision of last week's journal.

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